Starsong Maiden

8 min

Fear Porn Sabotage — How to evade the stealth missiles of mainstream media

Updated: Feb 11

Ever notice how all the popular news stations circulate variations of the same narrative? Doesn’t seem to matter which news channel you watch or which radio station you tune into — the general theme is the same, with a little flair of dramatic spin in one direction or another, depending on the political bias of its affiliates. Even social media recycles the same bits of information, though arguably more extreme in nature and rarely with included links to verifiable sources.

Movies, radio stations and tv shows are usually more of the same; common themes prevail in all sectors of the media. Conflict, war, global climate issues, political extremes, racial prejudice, crime on the rise, famine, disease, survival, drama, egocentric living, celebrity gossip, greed, hate, competition, dwindling natural resources, religious disagreements...

All buffered of course by the occasional puff piece thrown in for good measure.

What do all these concepts have in common? FEAR

As The Sophia touched on in last week’s blog article, it seems very apparent that this system is set up to cause disempowerment in a big way.

In essence, mainstream media is Fear Porn, a.k.a. fear mongering, at its worst — to which most of us, in our bid to stay informed, are completely addicted to. These shadowy and triggering reports we’re bombarded with snag our attention and infiltrate our minds, hooking us into a system of fear-based thought patterns which can affect our day to day life in an alarming fashion.  

For many years, I wasn’t able to watch or listen to the news without crying or becoming extremely drained and depressed. Can you relate?

After a long hiatus from the news born of sheer self-preservation, I began to search for news that I could actually stand to digest. I came across The Skimm, a daily newsletter that attempts to deliver the main stories of the news in a lighthearted and irreverent way. Each daily email gives you the highlights of all the main stories, with links to the original article that you can dive into for further research.

This service was a nice way to dip my toe back into the world of news. I also enjoyed watching the lovely ladies on The View (ABC) give their opinions about current events for a time. But I began to wonder how much of the news I was actually getting, since these two sources, along with several others that I checked into, were covering all the same stories from a fairly narrow set of perspectives.

After doing some digging, I was shocked by what I found. Almost every news agency, not to mention almost all media sources in general, are owned by the same 6 corporations: National Amusements, Disney, TimeWarner, Comcast, News Corp and Sony.

You can read this article for a more detailed breakdown on who owns what and just how far this rabbit hole goes (published in 2016 but it’s the most current source I could find).  Also worth checking out is this in-depth article on just who is behind the mass media machine & how it works.


These 6 companies, with their own agendas — surely a combination of whatever makes them the most money & the influence of whoever their affiliates are — having a tight fist of control over what the public sees in the media is a HUGE conflict of interest.  

This is a classic example of an oligarchy — and this Bonnie ‘n Clyde program has infiltrated almost every aspect of the modern world.  Check out last week’s post for a bird’s eye view of the sitch.

Even more disturbing is just how much what we allow into our minds affects our reality.

When you watch or listen to something (or both at the same time, which has an even stronger affect, since more of your attention is participating), it gets embedded into your subconscious mind.  If you involve your physical body in the interaction, as is the case with listening to music (think: singing & dancing), this becomes a whole being integration.  

Image courtesy of

The brain works like a computer — it largely cannot tell what is fact or fiction, it simply records information and accepts it as permissible data.  In most people, only 5-10% of the brain is the conscious mind, while 90-95% belongs to the subconscious mind.  The subconscious mind is responsible for our deeply rooted beliefs and habits; it’s also very intimately entwined with the physical body — which also remembers and imports its data as cellular memory.  

This is why people who have been through traumatic events experience intense pain, suffering and confusion when those memories or anything that triggers a similar feeling resurfaces — the conscious self/mind may know logically that nothing is actually happening at that moment, but the subconscious mind, body and nervous system are processing the information as if it’s happening all over again.

This is the same reason why athletes who mentally visualize a successful race/match/game are much more likely to have that vision become a reality — the subconscious mind and body can’t tell the difference between the imagination and physical reality.

Thus, what we see — what our subconscious mind ultimately experiences — via the media can very easily determine what choices we make in the world politically, socially and personally.  What we expose ourselves to has a frightening amount of influence on our lives, including how we formulate our opinions and beliefs about the world and each other, all by virtue of what is being downloaded into our mental landscape on a daily basis.

Let that sink in for a minute...

From a physical perspective, this situation is certainly problematic. From a metaphysical perspective, it‘s downright nuclear.

Manifestation happens in this order:

1. Spiritual/Quantum realm

2. Mental realm

3. Emotional realm

4. Physical realm

The mental realm is only second to the spiritual realm on the totem pole of manifestation.  If your mental body is consumed by images and concepts of struggle, lack, conflict, prejudice, drama, etcetera, this will strongly impact the information that is sent to your emotional body, which then attracts experiences — people/events/objects/energies that match these thoughts and emotions — into your physical world.

Houston, we have a problem...

Everything in existence has a specific vibration or frequency.  Elements that are more dense or more negative in nature have a low vibration.  Elements that are lighter and more positive in nature have a high vibration.  Whatever frequency you are putting out is the same frequency you will receive back — like attracts like

Side note: Read more about the full scale of emotions, their frequencies and emotional alchemy here.

Thus, the real question is:  What do you want to attract more of in your life — negative or positive?

Of course, sticking our heads in the sand and pretending our world is all lollipops and rainbows, just for the sake of improving our vibration and what we attract to ourselves, isn’t practical or wise either. We still need to have a good handle on what’s going on in the world around us.

The trick is to get a clean handle, rather than a muddied one 🤦🏻‍♀️

As far as being informed goes, finding independent news outlets that are as unbiased as possible seems like a good place to start. Preferably one (or more) that reports the full scope of what’s going on globally. When you start looking into news that isn’t owned by corporations, you will discover just how much is omitted or even outright lied about in mainstream media. Check out Project Veritas to see some examples of these giant discrepancies that have been exposed.

Also important to note is the oppressive censoring of almost all social media platforms, including YouTube, as well as search engines like Google.  You can research this scary truth in real time — use a search engine like DuckDuckGo or a browser like Brave and compare your results with Google to look up any subject that isn’t part of the mainstream narrative (i.e. “conspiracy theories,” alternative medicine, vaccines, anything related to Trump, etc).  You’ll see just how much we are being prevented from accessing.  Similarly, anyone that goes outside of the status quo, especially if they have a large audience, voices that should be allowed freedom of speech, are silenced.  

Not to mention the character defamation and amount of articles that immediately arise to denounce these independent thinkers as conspiracy theorists, wack jobs, untrustworthy law breakers or even labeled as terrorists.  In case you haven’t realized it yet, websites like Wikipedia and FactCheck are an absolute farce and have little to no verifiable facts involved. 

Honestly, it was almost inconceivable for me to wrap my brain around just how vast this discrepancy is at first.  But once I started getting a clearer picture of what is really happening from a wider perspective, it began to shed some light on where I should be focusing my energy.

Do your own research and find what media sources work best for you.  Also, notice how you feel after listening or watching — do you feel empowered/uplifted/hopeful or drained/triggered/fearful?  This is not to say that everything that makes you experience negative emotions is bad or should be avoided — we have to face the ugly parts of our world too.  But do it in moderation & with intentional awareness.  

Below is a list of different media options I’ve found that share a broader landscape of current events, focus on truth and empowerment rather than fear, along with some wonderful alternatives that promote consciousness expansion and positivity.  Some of the news platforms lean more conservative or more liberal politically but overall offer honest journalism rather than corporate owned propaganda and you’ll see that they still report on a wide range of important topics that aren’t in mainstream media.  

Note: For any of the YouTube options below, even when you subscribe to the channel, you will still need to regularly go to that individual channel manually and check for new content, as YouTube censors this way as well. There are many on this list who have been de-platformed entirely by YouTube & this is happening more every day — if you can’t find them on YouTube, they’ve probably moved over to Rumble or Bitchute.

Obviously there are many more media choices out there than what I’ve included here but this is a nice starting point to dip your toes in ❤︎



Rise TV

Truth In MediaReality Check Podcast

X22 ReportX22 Report Rumble

The Propaganda ReportPropaganda Report Podcast

Kim Iversen

Project Veritas

The Vigilant Citizen



The Line with Ashley Hämäläinen

Spherical Luminosity

Positive Head

Energy Update with Lee Harris

Feed your Wild

Impact the World

Stepping Into The Light

Ancient Wisdom Today


International Tribunal for Natural Justice YouTubeITNJ website

The Truth Factory

Sorelle Amore Finance

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai


Lorie Ladd

Amenti the Awakener

Nura Rachelle Astrology

Rad Radiance

Ascension Path with Sandra Walter

Magenta Pixie


Elizabeth April


Rise TV

Rewired (watch via Gaia or Amazon Prime)

Missing Links (watch via Gaia or Amazon Prime)

Ancient Civilizations (watch via Gaia or Amazon Prime)

Cosmic Disclosure (watch via Gaia or Amazon Prime. Update: Gaia has now removed all of Corey Goode’s episodes but you can watch them here)

Interviews with Extra-Dimensionals (watch via Gaia or Amazon Prime)

Touch (watch via Hulu — this series has been discontinued but I’ve included it because it‘s one of the best examples I’ve seen that showcases how interconnected we all are)


The Matrix Series

Lord of the Rings Series








What the Bleep do we Know

Forks Over Knives



The Cosmic Secret


Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

Miss Representation

The Mask You Live In

Here’s to truth, clarity and positive manifestation for us all,

Starsong Maiden

P.S. If you feel inspired by this post, please show your support by using the heart icon in the bottom righthand corner, or comment below. You can also reach out to me on social media @starsongmaiden ❤︎

#fearporn #loveoverfear #selfempowerment #higherconsciousness #positivemedia #positivemindset #mainstreammedia #fearmongering
