Starsong Maiden

5 min

This is the way โ€” Powerhouse Priestess guidance channeled from the High Council of The Magdalenes

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

This blog post came about by rather unconventional means... that is to say, in a bathtub ๐Ÿ˜‚

Water is a conduit of psychic abilities, so I'm not surprised by that part, at least. But I was definitely not expecting to have a host of Priestesses show up in my bath time lol. My intention was to clear my energy field with salt and listen to The Magdalene Initiation, a guided meditation by Rebecca Campbell. I got a little more than I bargained for, in the best way ๐Ÿ’–

Without further ado, let's dive in...

Sidebar: You may notice the formatting of this post is a little different than usual. This is because The Magdalenes spoke in a very measured way, with a powerful and rhythmic cadence that I wanted to honor.

Welcome again, ancient Sister of the Well.

Welcome, lost souls of the Rose Line.

We are The Magdalenes, The High Council of the Rose Line.

Sisterhood of the Rose by Danielle Noel

Those who feel this missive deeply, with tears of remembrance, are of this lineage.

Even so, those who are not of the Rose Line will still understand this message in the core of their being on an elemental level.

The world is in a time of great upheaval and great change.

The Divine Feminine must rise in order to restore balance.

Can you feel this shifting tide in the wind, in the earth, in your breath, in your heart?

This is the way.

We are speaking to you now of things which you already feel on a molecular level.

You feel the resonance shifting and sliding and changing and moving.

You feel that what has been cannot continue.

You feel that change is upon you โ€” that perhaps great and horrible change is upon you.

While there are horrors, to be sure, in this great unfoldment and unveiling of the shadow of this Earth plane, there is also unspeakable light and limitless potential.

The Initiation by Danielle Noel

The heart of humanity will be revealed.

The True Heart of humanity is a beautiful thing.

It cannot be broken, or tainted, or marred.

Only hidden for a time.

Forgotten in some ways and by some who cannot see.

But all is well, fair children of the Earth, all is well and all will be well.

Justice will be served on every level โ€” it has already begun.

We speak to you now of the great changes underway and underfoot this past three years.

You are now at the culmination point of many cycles of unveiling.

You are now at the breaking point of one dimension to another.

This shift in dimensional perception is swift and deep.

It will move many things.

Many things will not appear as they once were.

But fear not, all will be well and all is as it should be.

Remind yourself in times of trouble and strife that everything unfolding in your life is there for your highest good, even if it appears absolutely insane in the moment.

We are with you. We will always be with you. We have never left.

Call upon us in times of need. We are happy to serve.

Awaken that deep Sacred Heart within you.

Awaken the light which you try to hide โ€” that innermost vulnerable space within you, the one you try to deny.

The one you cover up when others are near, the one you do not trust anyone to hold.

This is the way forward.

You must open your heart completely.

Without your heart being open completely, you cannot let the Light in all the way.

You close out the darkness, yes, but you also close out the light.

Yes, dear ones, this is the way.

We must remind you now of your oath, taken before this lifetime, before you came here.

You chose to be here at this time.

You chose, come what may, to stand firm, to be the best version of yourself possible through these times and shifting waters.

You can choose to be a beacon of light or you can choose to add to the darkness.

You can choose to uphold the core values which you admire or you can choose to generate more chaos.

What are you contributing most to the world?

What picture are you helping to paint?

Everyone on the Earth plane is carrying a paintbrush.

What will you do with it?

What colors will you choose?

What creations will you manifest?

The source of your power, your security and your love is not external.

You must find these things within โ€” only then will you be free.

Within is where you find unconditional love.

Within is where you find your eternal power.

Within is where you find everlasting security, strength, faith and connection to the one Divine source.

Go within your heart space everyday as much as possible.

Float in its light, unfurl the petals of the rose within.

And just BE.

Be like a rose opening to the Sun.

The Ever-Unfolding Rose by Danielle Noel

Allow the light to penetrate you fully, to begin the synthesis of your cells, DNA and structure.

Allow your transformation to commence.

This is the way.

We must remind you also of your journey to arrive at this particular moment in time.

You have traveled many, many lifetimes โ€” a far, far path and long journey to be here at this time.

It is taken many, many eons to arrive here and now, in this way.

At this perfect moment of timing.

For the matrix of time to coalesce in the right and perfect way for the ascension of humanity.

There has been a battle going on for millennia now, for the right to be here.

For the right to ascend.

And for the ascension to occur in a way that benefits everyone involved.

There are those who seek to replenish the darkness, those who seek to build it.

And they formulate a new plan; they serve a different master.

They yearn for the end of humanity as it is now; they yearn for destruction, chaos and dominion.

It is a path of greed, malice and malcontent.

They have forgotten they are of the light.

And thus, we must remind them what the light looks like, what it tastes like, what it feels like.

What can be done with the light at your side and inside your heart.

Dear ones, those who hold mostly love in their heart, have the light on their side.

This is your destiny โ€” embrace the highest expression of yourself possible and go forth into the night, shining light within the darkness.

You are now in the quiet before the storm.

Use this time wisely.

Shore up your defenses with love, dear ones, with love.


Build your walls and towers with light โ€” build a foundation of light.

Build a castle within that is so bright, it will shine for thousands of miles out, breaking the sea of fear, so ALL can see it.

Pillar of Light by Danielle Noel

Begin to believe that you are of the light.

For this is your divine birthright, this is who you are at your core.

This is the one truth that cannot be broken, that cannot be hidden or oppressed.


You hold all the power in your hands.

Stop fighting and bickering. This is not the way.

Hand in hand, you can defeat this darkness.

Join together and remember who you are.

THIS is the way.

Woo! Can you feel all that juicy power?! ๐Ÿ˜ This channeled message is one for the ages!

I hope you enjoyed this connection to The Magdalenes... I know I'll be returning to their wisdom again and again in the coming weeks ๐ŸŒŸ

Heart to heart,

Starsong Maiden

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You can also follow or reach out to me on social media @starsongmaiden โค๏ธŽ

#themagdalenes #divinefeminine #channeling #channeledmessage #selfempowerment #chooselove #divinedestiny #bethechange #cocreation #healing #worldevents #2020 #newearth #ascension #5D
