Starsong Maiden

4 min

Sensitivity is a Superpower — a channeled message of Authentic Alchemy

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

When I tune into the energy of this moment in time, I feel a vulnerable tide sweeping in, with an edge of frothy intuitive power. The waves of sensitivity we feel may seem red hot and overwhelming at times but in their raw organic fullness, there is an immense empowerment waiting, hidden under the deep rolling waves.

We are taught as children the absolute need for control — of ourselves, of our lives, our relationships and emotions. We are asked to have a tight fist around our choices and to avoid mistakes.

This is not the way toward freedom, my friends.

That path leads to endless struggle and a merciless beating on our inner armor.

Control is an illusion.

There is an ocean of potential outcomes for each choice we make and the variables are determined by more than just our individual consciousness. The consciousness, karma and free will of the other people involved in any given situation, the collective consciousness of the world, as well as the energy of related elements and places — all of these points of connection determine the ultimate geometric shape that forms.

The more we seek to control outcomes that we alone do not have sole influence over, the more we are setting ourselves up for heartbreak and disappointment. We only have sovereignty over our own reactions and actions.

But there is another way to live — a MUCH easier way.

We can surrender. This does not mean we surrender our own will or power, it means we surrender to the cosmic unfolding of our lives. It means we let go of our need to control everything in our constant bid to feel safe and instead choose to ride whatever waves appear on the horizon, using our higher consciousness as the surf board and our intuition as the rudder.

When we step into a place of allowing — a detachment from a specific outcome while adopting an objective curiosity about what could happen — this is when life becomes magical.

Of course, as humans, we will still feel the vast range of emotions possible and this is part of our experience here. The goal isn’t to detach from our emotions, it’s to detach from our desire to have certain emotions over other ones.

If you can simply honor and allow whatever arises (emotions and events) to exist, without judging it — recognizing that it must be there for a reason, even if you don’t yet know what that reason is — you will become an adept surfer in this reality.

Our sensitivity is a gift, not a curse.

Being sensitive is an indication that your intuitive antennae are live and operational. It signifies that you are aware of deeper levels of existence, levels that wouldn’t even appear on your radar if you weren’t sensitive enough to pick up on their subtle energies.

Sensitivity is a superpower.

Sensitivity is required in many real-life situations. When you’re aware of the emotional needs of others, when you can feel the effect a certain choice will have on those around you, when you can anticipate what a decision will cost you energetically, when you have enough self-awareness that you can identify a deeper meaning behind why you’re feeling a certain way — these are vital life skills.

Why then, is sensitivity viewed as a weakness in our modern culture?

Oddsfish, Cap’n Hook...

We are multi-sensory beings of light, having a physical experience in this realm. Any layer of sensitivity to our surroundings and the fellow beings who share this planet with us is a major advantage.

Let’s drop the “impenetrable fortress” act, shall we?

It’s a ruse anyway. We all know that inside the hologram of indifferent strength we may project on the outside, we each have a fleshy underbelly and a soft heart on the inside that cares very much what happens.

How about we adopt a new paradigm: VULNERABILITY IS STRENGTH.

Starsong Tip: Brené Brown has some amazing books and TED talks on this subject (watch The Power of Vulnerability  first and then Listening to Shame.  Check her out if you haven’t yet!

In order to be fully vulnerable, we have to drop our walls and show our true self. This takes absolute courage in spite of the very real knowledge that we might get hurt in the process.

But those who choose to be vulnerable despite the risks discover a very interesting secret — we are actually made stronger by choosing truth over comfort.

And by being authentic, you open the door for others to be authentic in return.

Over the course of the past 5 years, I’ve completely changed my life — all by committing to speak my truth (with kindness) in every moment, rather than people pleasing and peacemaking.  It’s been a wild ride, turbulent and emotionally exhausting at times but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

This trial by fire has remade me into an infinitely stronger version of myself.

Try it out for yourself and you will see remarkable changes in your wellbeing and quality of life.

Our true nature is one of infinite possibilities — why restrict yourself to only the options outlined by your controlling and limited mind?  We can be so much more if we allow ourselves to open to the rich fullness of taking chances.

Channeled Poem — Emotional Alchemy

Try though I might

I can't take flight

My wings seem smooth

My heart an open wound

All my fears rise to the surface

Beneath I feel worthless

Thoughts clash together

War within tearing feathers

My world dims in focus

Choices all unchosen

I can't make sense of it all

Lost in the storm, I fall

What is shadowed within?

Layers of pain unwritten

Can I let go the mask —

Fight for freedom at last?

Drowning in sorrow

Yesterday burdens tomorrow

Tears bleed the inner hurt

Time stands still unheard

My story knows beauty

Eclipsed and married surely

Betrayal mars the landscape

Gorgeous brutal heartache

Loss colors my painting

But love guides the brush

Sheltered by faith

I am embraced by grace

What is shadowed within?

Layers of pain unwritten

Can I let go the mask —

Fight for freedom at last?

Can I trust the unseen?

Divine nature revealed

Reaching out, I am blind

But inside I am wise

I see the path to take

My oath to make

Follow your heart

Make truth your art

I claim my destiny

I choose to be me

Sacred melody calling

Mystic song dawning

I am gentle and kind

Intuitive guidance

Stars light my way

Darkness fades to grey

To uncloaking your true sensitive self & letting the wind of Divine destiny carry your flight,

Starsong Maiden

P.S. If you feel inspired by this post, please show your support by using the heart icon in the bottom righthand corner, or comment below. You can also reach out to me on social media @starsongmaiden ❤︎

#sensitivityisasuperpower #surrender #authenticity #authenticself #channeledmessage #intuitiveguidance #spiritualalchemy #higherconsciousness #perspectiveshift #ascension
